The Republican environmental campaign "Taza Kazakhstan" continues in the Akmola region

The Republican environmental campaign The Republican environmental campaign The Republican environmental campaign

As part of the environmental campaign "Taza Kazakhstan", an environmental action was held at a sacred site of national importance, at the burial site of the theologian, educator, public figure Nahuan Hazret (Nauryzbai Talasuly). 

The environmental campaign on the monuments of historical and cultural heritage is carried out in order to attract public attention to the issues of preserving historical monuments and forming a responsible attitude to nature and history, and cleanliness is a sign of culture, education, and therefore the duty of every citizen of Kazakhstan.          

Poet, writer, member of the Union of Writers and Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, director of the Kokshetau city Information Library system Zhetpiskaliev S. S., as well as employees of state institutions and activists took part in the environmental action.

The imam of the Nahwan Hazret mosque, remembering the deceased, read verses from the Koran and said a prayer.